Sunday, August 15, 2010

Four Simple Goals...

After reading Elsie's post (here) I decided I would join the fun. I always love having goals and rewarding myself when I reach them. So here are mine...

1. Create scrapbooks based on my loved ones. I want to have a special scrapbook devoted to the each of the people I love. I think I will start with my mister love. 2. Start a weekly yoga or work out routine. I want to get back in shape and feel better about myself. I love yoga-its so relaxing and helps me wind down. 3. Find a major I love. I have yet to find a career path that suits me and my love of design. I really want to have a focus by next year so I can get started and ready for the future. 4. Cook dinner at least twice a week. I love to cook but don't take the time to actually get in the kitchen. This is a big goal for me to achieve! I know my man will appreciate this one :)

I can't wait to achieve these goals! If you have posted your simple goals please link it in the comments, I would love to see what you have planned!


  1. oooh I LOVE all of your goals! this little project is so much fun, I'm having a blast reading everyone's goals.
    your #1 is really good, I wish I would've thought of that ;]
    XO. m

  2. Good luck with your goals! I want to do your second goal.

  3. Have you tried Hooping? I bought myself a Hoopnotica hoop for my birthday and have fallen in LOVE with it!! One of my fave things to do is hoop...and blow bubbles... :)
